A Gentle Introduction to Programming Concepts - Using Python


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Why learn the basic principles of programming?

  • Thinking algorithmically (a key element in the process used in developing programming solutions) is a powerful problem solving skill that is reinforeced with practice. Practicing programming is great practice.
    • Defining a problem with sufficient specificity that a solution can be effectively developed
    • Defining what the end-product of the process should be
    • Breaking a problem down into smaller components that interact with each other
    • Identifying the objects/data and actions that are needed to meet the requirements of each component
    • Linking components together to solve the defined problem
    • Identifying potential expansion points to reuse the developed capacity for solving related problems

  • Capabilities to streamline and automate routine processes through scripting are ubiquitous

    • Query languages built into existing tools (e.g. Excel, ArcGIS, Word)
    • Specialized languages for specific tasks (e.g. R, Pandoc template language, PHP)
    • General purpose languages for solving many problems (e.g. Bash shell, Perl, Python, C#)
  • Repeatabilty with documentation

  • Scalability
  • Portability

Why Python?

  • It is available as a free and Open Source programming language that can be installed on numerous computer systems, including Windows, Linux and the Mac OS. It can even be editited and run through a web interface such as this Jupyter Notebook.
  • It is a modern programming language that includes many features that make it a very efficient language to both learn programming with and write programs in.
  • It is readable and expressive.
  • It supports a variety of development models including object-oriented, procedural and functional capabilities.
  • It includes a standard library of functions that support significant programming capabilities including:
    • Handling email
    • Interacting with and publishing web and other online resources
    • Connecting with a wide variety of databases
    • Executing operating system commands
    • Developing graphical user interfaces
  • It is relatively easy to start to become productive in Python, though it still takes time and practice to become an expert (as is the case with any programming language).

The primary downside that is mentioned when discussing the choice of Python as a programming language is that as an interpreted language it can execute more slowly than traditional compiled languages such as C or C++.

Can I Play at Home?

There are a variety of ways to run Python on your computer:

  • You may already have a version of Python installed. Many operating systems have a version of Python installed that is used for routine processes within the operating system. You can easily check to see what version of Python might already be on your computer by typing python at the Command Prompt (Windows) or in the Terminal (Mac OS) and seeing what response you get. If Python is installed you will typically see information about the currently installed version and then be taken to the Python command prompt where you can start typing commands.
  • You can install one of the available versions directly from the Python project site: https://www.python.org/downloads/. Following this installation you will be able to execute commands from the interactive command prompt or you can start the IDLE integrated development environment (IDE).
  • You can install a pre-packaged python system such as the Anaconda release of Python (https://www.continuum.io/downloads) that has both Python 2.x and 3.x versions available for download. I prefer this method as it installs a copy of Python that is separate from any previous ones on your system, and allows you to execute the (enhanced) interactive Python command prompt, and run the Jupyter Notebook web-based environment for writing and executing Python code. The examples that we will go through today will be executed in the Jupyter Notebook environment.

Running a Python Environment

Once Python is installed on your computer you have a number of options for how you start up an environment where you can execute Python commands/code.

  1. The most simple method is to just type python at the Command Prompt (Windows) or Terminal (Mac OS and Linux). If you installation was successful you will be taken to the interactive prompt. For example:

     UL0100MAC:~ kbene$ python
     Python 2.7.10 |Anaconda 2.3.0 (x86_64)| (default, May 28 2015, 17:04:42)
     [GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5577)] on darwin
     Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
     Anaconda is brought to you by Continuum Analytics.
     Please check out: http://continuum.io/thanks and https://binstar.org
  2. If you would like to run the IDLE IDE you should be able to find the executable file in the folder where the Python executable installed on your system.

  3. If you installed the Anaconda release of Python you can type ipython at the Command Prompt (Windows) or Terminal (Mac OS and Linux). If you installation was successful you will be taken to an enhanced (compared with the basic Python prompt) interactive prompt. For example:

     UL0100MAC:~ kbene$ ipython
     Python 2.7.10 |Anaconda 2.3.0 (x86_64)| (default, May 28 2015, 17:04:42)
     Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
     IPython 3.2.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python.
     Anaconda is brought to you by Continuum Analytics.
     Please check out: http://continuum.io/thanks and https://anaconda.org
     ?         -> Introduction and overview of IPython's features.
     %quickref -> Quick reference.
     help      -> Python's own help system.
     object?   -> Details about 'object', use 'object??' for extra details.
     In [1]:
  4. If you installed the Anaconda release of Python you can type jupyter notebook at the Command Prompt (Windows) or Terminal (Mac OS and Linux). If you installation was successful you should see some startup messages in the terminal window and your browser should open up and display the Jupyter Notebook interface from where you can navigate through your system's folder structure (starting in the folder that you ran the ipython notebook command from), and load existing notebooks or create new ones in which you can enter and execute Python commands. You can also start a local Jupyter Notebook instance through the Anaconda Navigator application that is included with recent releases of the Anaconda Python distribution. In more recent releases of the Anaconda Python distribution you can run the Anaconda Navigator from which you can run Jupyter Notebooks and other applications. *This is the interface that we are using for today's workshop**.

Getting Help

There are a number of strategies that you can use for getting help with specific Python commands and syntax. First and foremost you can access the Python documentation which will default to the most recent Python 3.x version that is in production, but from which (in the upper left corner of the page) you can select other Python versions if you are not using the version referenced by the page. Looking at and working through some of the materials in the Python tutorial is also a great way to see the core Python capabilities in action.

In some cases you can find quite a few useful and interesting resources through a resonably crafted Google search: e.g. for python create list.

You can also get targeted help some specific commands or objects from the command prompt by just using the help() function. Where you put the name of the command or object between the parentheses ().

For example:





>>>myVar = [1,2,3,4,5]

Try It Yourself

Type in the help command in a code box in Jupyter Notebook for a few of the following commands/objects and take a look at the information you get:

  • dict - e.g. help(dict)
  • print
  • sorted
  • float

For some commands/functions you need to import the module that that command belongs to. For example:

    import os

Try this pair of commands in a code window in your Jupyter Notebook or interactive terminal.

In [1]:
# type your help commands in the box and 
# execute the code in the box by typing shift-enter 
# (hold down the shift key while hitting the enter/return key)

The Basics

At the core of Python (and any programming language) there are some key characteristics of how a program is structured that enable the proper execution of that program. These characteristics include the structure of the code itself, the core data types from which others are built, and core operators that modify objects or create new ones. From these raw materials more complex commands, functions, and modules are built. For guidance on recommended Python structure refer to the Python Style Guide.

Examples: Variables and Data Types

The Interpreter

In [1]:
# The interpreter can be used as a calculator, and can also echo or concatenate strings.

3 + 3


In [2]:
3 * 3


In [3]:
3 ** 3


In [4]:
3 / 2 # classic division - output is a floating point number


In [5]:
# Use quotes around strings



In [6]:
# + operator can be used to concatenate strings

'dogs' + "cats"


In [7]:
print('Hello World!')

Hello World!

Try It Yourself

Go to the section 4.4. Numeric Types in the Python 3 documentation at https://docs.python.org/3.4/library/stdtypes.html. The table in that section describes different operators - try some!

What is the difference between the different division operators (/, //, and %)?


Variables allow us to store values for later use.

In [9]:
a = 5
b = 10
a + b


Variables can be reassigned:

In [10]:
b = 38764289.1097
a + b


The ability to reassign variable values becomes important when iterating through groups of objects for batch processing or other purposes. In the example below, the value of b is dynamically updated every time the while loop is executed:

In [11]:
a = 5
b = 10
while b > a:
    b = b-1


Variable data types can be inferred, so Python does not require us to declare the data type of a variable on assignment.

In [12]:
a = 5


is equivalent to

In [13]:
a = int(5)


In [14]:
c = 'dogs'

c = str('dogs')

<class 'str'>
<class 'str'>

There are cases when we may want to declare the data type, for example to assign a different data type from the default that will be inferred. Concatenating strings provides a good example.

In [15]:
customer = 'Carol'
pizzas = 2
print(customer + ' ordered ' + pizzas + ' pizzas.')

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-15-57638a3a162b> in <module>
      1 customer = 'Carol'
      2 pizzas = 2
----> 3 print(customer + ' ordered ' + pizzas + ' pizzas.')

TypeError: must be str, not int

Above, Python has inferred the type of the variable pizza to be an integer. Since strings can only be concatenated with other strings, our print statement generates an error. There are two ways we can resolve the error:

  1. Declare the pizzas variable as type string (str) on assignment or
  2. Re-cast the pizzas variable as a string within the print statement.

In [16]:
customer = 'Carol'
pizzas = str(2)
print(customer + ' ordered ' + pizzas + ' pizzas.')

Carol ordered 2 pizzas.

In [17]:
customer = 'Carol'
pizzas = 2
print(customer + ' ordered ' + str(pizzas) + ' pizzas.')

Carol ordered 2 pizzas.

Given the following variable assignments:

x = 12
y = str(14)
z = donuts

Predict the output of the following:

  1. y + z
  2. x + y
  3. x + int(y)
  4. str(x) + y

Check your answers in the interpreter.

Variable Naming Rules

Variable names are case senstive and:

  1. Can only consist of one "word" (no spaces).
  2. Must begin with a letter or underscore character ('_').
  3. Can only use letters, numbers, and the underscore character.

We further recommend using variable names that are meaningful within the context of the script and the research.



The structure of a Python program is pretty simple: Blocks of code are defined using indentation. Code that is at a lower level of indentation is not considerd part of a block. Indentation can be defined using spaces or tabs (spaces are recommended by the style guide), but be consistent (and prepared to defend your choice). As we will see, code blocks define the boundaries of sets of commands that fit within a given section of code. This indentation model for defining blocks of code significantly increases the readabiltiy of Python code.

For example:

>>>a = 5
>>>b = 10
>>>while b > a:
...    print("b="+str(b))
...    b = b-1
>>>print("I'm outside the block")

Comments & Documentation

You can (and should) also include documentation and comments in the code your write - both for yourself, and potential future users (including yourself). Comments are pretty much any content on a line that follows a # symbol (unless it is between quotation marks. For example:

>>># we're going to do some math now
>>>yae = 5                   # the number of votes in favor
>>>nay = 10                  # the number of votes against
>>>proportion = yae / nay    # the proportion of votes in favor

When you are creating functions or classes (a bit more on what these are in a bit) you can also create what are called doc strings that provide a defined location for content that is used to generate the help() information highlighted above and is also used by other systems for the automatic generation of documentation for packages that contain these doc strings. Creating a doc string is simple - just create a single or multi-line text string (more on this soon) that starts on the first indented line following the start of the definition of the function or class. For example:

>>># we're going to create a documented function and then access the information about the function
>>>def doc_demo(some_text="Ill skewer yer gizzard, ye salty sea bass"):
...    """This function takes the provided text and prints it out in Pirate
...    If a string is not provided for `some_text` a default message will be displayed
...    """
...    out_string = "Ahoy Matey. " + some_text
...    print(out_string)
>>>doc_demo("Sail ho!")

Standard Objects

Any programming language has at its foundation a collection of types or in Python's terminology objects. The standard objects of Python consist of the following:

  • Numbers - integer, floating point, complex, and multiple-base defined numeric values
  • Strings - immutable strings of characters, numbers, and symbols that are bounded by single- or double-quotes
  • Lists - an ordered collection of objects that is bounded by square-brackets - []. Elements in lists are extracted or referenced by their position in the list. For example, my_list[0] refers to the first item in the list, my_list[5] the sixth, and my_list[-1] to the last item in the list.
  • Dictionaries - an unordered collection of objects that are referenced by keys that allow for referring to those objexts by reference to those keys. Dictionaryies are bounded by curley-brackets - {} with each element of the dictionary consisting of a key (string) and a value (object) separated by a colon :. Elements of a dictionary are extracted or referenced using their keys. for example:

      my_dict = {"key1":"value1", "key2":36, "key3":[1,2,3]}
      my_dict['key1'] returns "value1"
      my_dict['key3'] returns [1,2,3]
  • Tuples - immutable lists that are bounded by parentheses = (). Referencing elements in a tuple is the same as referencing elements in a list above.

  • Files - objects that represent external files on the file system. Programs can interact with (e.g. read, write, append) external files through their representative file objects in the program.
  • Sets - unordered, collections of immutable objects (i.e. ints, floats, strings, and tuples) where membership in the set and uniqueness within the set are defining characteristics of the member objects. Sets are created using the set function on a sequence of objects. A specialized list of operators on sets allow for identifying union, intersection, and difference (among others) between sets.
  • Other core types - Booleans, types, None
  • Program unit types - functions, modules, and classes for example
  • Implementation-related types (not covered in this workshop)

These objects have their own sets of related methods (as we saw in the help() examples above) that enable their creation, and operations upon them.

In [45]:
# Fun with types

this = 12
that = 15
the_other = "27"
my_stuff = [this,that,the_other,["a","b","c",4]]
more_stuff = {
    "item1": this, 
    "item2": that, 
    "item3": the_other, 
    "item4": my_stuff
this + that

# this won't work ...
# this + that + the_other

# ... but this will ...
this + that + int(the_other)

# ...and this too
str(this) + str(that) + the_other




Lists are a type of collection in Python. Lists allow us to store sequences of items that are typically but not always similar. All of the following lists are legal in Python:

In [46]:
# Separate list items with commas!

number_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
string_list = ['apples', 'oranges', 'pears', 'grapes', 'pineapples']
combined_list = [1, 2, 'oranges', 3.14, 'peaches', 'grapes', 99.19876]

# Nested lists - lists of lists - are allowed.

list_of_lists = [[1, 2, 3], ['oranges', 'grapes', 8], [['small list'], ['bigger', 'list', 55], ['url_1', 'url_2']]]

There are multiple ways to create a list:

In [47]:
# Create an empty list

empty_list = []

# As we did above, by using square brackets around a comma-separated sequence of items

new_list = [1, 2, 3]

# Using the type constructor

constructed_list = list('purple')

# Using a list comprehension

result_list = [i for i in range(1, 20)]

We can inspect our lists:

In [48]:


In [49]:

[1, 2, 3]

In [50]:

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19]

In [51]:

['p', 'u', 'r', 'p', 'l', 'e']

The above output for typed_list may seem odd. Referring to the documentation, we see that the argument to the type constructor is an iterable, which according to the documentation is "An object capable of returning its members one at a time." In our construtor statement above

# Using the type constructor

constructed_list = list('purple')

the word 'purple' is the object - in this case a word - that when used to construct a list returns its members (individual letters) one at a time.

Compare the outputs below:

In [52]:
constructed_list_int = list(123)

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-52-c2e9f559c5ec> in <module>()
----> 1 constructed_list_int = list(123)

TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable

In [53]:
constructed_list_str = list('123')

['1', '2', '3']

Lists in Python are:

  • mutable - the list and list items can be changed
  • ordered - list items keep the same "place" in the list

Ordered here does not mean sorted. The list below is printed with the numbers in the order we added them to the list, not in numeric order:

In [54]:
ordered = [3, 2, 7, 1, 19, 0]

[3, 2, 7, 1, 19, 0]

In [55]:
# There is a 'sort' method for sorting list items as needed:


[0, 1, 2, 3, 7, 19]

Info on additional list methods is available at https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html?highlight=lists#mutable-sequence-types

Because lists are ordered, it is possible to access list items by referencing their positions. Note that the position of the first item in a list is 0 (zero), not 1!

In [56]:
string_list = ['apples', 'oranges', 'pears', 'grapes', 'pineapples']

In [57]:


In [58]:
# We can use positions to 'slice' or selection sections of a list:


['grapes', 'pineapples']

In [59]:

['apples', 'oranges', 'pears']

In [60]:

['oranges', 'pears', 'grapes']

In [61]:
# If we don't know the position of a list item, we can use the 'index()' method to find out.
# Note that in the case of duplicate list items, this only returns the position of the first one:



In [62]:

In [63]:

['apples', 'oranges', 'pears', 'grapes', 'pineapples', 'oranges']

In [64]:


In [65]:
# one more time with lists and dictionaries
list_ex1 = my_stuff[0] + my_stuff[1] + int(my_stuff[2])

list_ex2 = (
    + str(my_stuff[1]) 
    + my_stuff[2] 
    + my_stuff[3][0]

dict_ex1 = (
    + more_stuff['item2']
    + int(more_stuff['item3'])

dict_ex2 = (
    + str(more_stuff['item2'])
    + more_stuff['item3']


In [66]:
# Now try it yourself ...
# print out the phrase "The answer: 42" using the following 
# variables and one or more of your own and the 'print()' function
# (remember spaces are characters as well)

start = "The"
answer = 42


If objects are the nouns, operators are the verbs of a programming language. We've already seen examples of some operators: assignment with the = operator, arithmetic addition and string concatenation with the + operator, arithmetic division with the / and - operators, and comparison with the > operator. Different object types have different operators that may be used with them. The Python Documentation provides detailed information about the operators and their functions as they relate to the standard object types described above.

Flow Control and Logical Tests

Flow control commands allow for the dynamic execution of parts of the program based upon logical conditions, or processing of objects within an iterable object (like a list or dictionary). Some key flow control commands in python include:

  • while-else loops that continue to run until the termination test is False or a break command is issued within the loop:

      done = False
      i = 0
      while not done:
          i = i+1
          if i > 5: done = True
  • if-elif-else statements defined alternative blocks of code that are executed if a test condition is met:

      do_something = "what?"
      if do_something == "what?":
      elif do_something == "where?":
          print("Where are we going?")
          print("I guess nothing is going to happen")
  • for loops allow for repeated execution of a block of code for each item in a python sequence such as a list or dictionary. For example:

      my_stuff = ['a', 'b', 'c']
      for item in my_stuff:


Functions represent reusable blocks of code that you can reference by name and pass informatin into to customize the exectuion of the function, and receive a response representing the outcome of the defined code in the function. When would you want to define a function? You should consider defining a function when you find yourself entering very similar code to execute variations of the same process. The dataset used for the following example is part of the supplementary materials (Data S1 - Egg Shape by Species) for Stoddard et al. (2017).

Mary Caswell Stoddard, Ee Hou Yong, Derya Akkaynak, Catherine Sheard, Joseph A. Tobias, L. Mahadevan. 2017. "Avian egg shape: Form, function, and evolution". Science. 23 June 2017. Vol. 356, Issue 6344. pp. 1249-1254. DOI: 10.1126/science.aaj1945. https://science.sciencemag.org/content/356/6344/1249

A sample workflow without functions:

In [67]:
# read data into a list of dictionaries
import csv

# create an empty list that will be filled with the rows of data from the CSV as dictionaries
csv_content = []

# open and loop through each line of the csv file to populate our data file
with open('aaj1945_DataS1_Egg_shape_by_species_v2.csv') as csv_file:
    csv_reader = csv.DictReader(csv_file)
    for row in csv_reader:             # process each row of the csv file


odict_keys(['Order', 'Family', 'MVZDatabase', 'Species', 'Asymmetry', 'Ellipticity', 'AvgLength (cm)', 'Number of images', 'Number of eggs'])

In [68]:
# extract content of each "column" individually

order = []
for item in csv_content:

family = []
for item in csv_content:

species = []
for item in csv_content:

asymmetry = []
for item in csv_content:

ellipticity = []
for item in csv_content:

avgLength = []
for item in csv_content:
        avgLength.append(item['AvgLength (cm)'])

noImages = []
for item in csv_content:
        noImages.append(item['Number of images'])

noEggs = []
for item in csv_content:
        noEggs.append(item['Number of eggs'])


['Accipitridae', 'Accipitridae', 'Accipitridae']
['Accipiter badius', 'Accipiter cooperii', 'Accipiter gentilis']
['0.1378', '0.0937', '0.1114']
['0.3435', '0.2715', '0.3186']
['3.8642', '4.9008', '5.9863']
['1', '27', '7']
['2', '103', '18']

In [69]:
# define a function that can extract a named column from a named list of dictionaries
def extract_column(source_list, source_column):
    new_list = []
    for item in source_list:
    print(source_column + ": " + ", ".join(new_list[0:3]))
order = extract_column(csv_content, 'Order')
family = extract_column(csv_content, 'Family')
species = extract_column(csv_content, 'Species')
asymmetry = extract_column(csv_content, 'Asymmetry')
ellipticity = extract_column(csv_content, 'Ellipticity')
avgLength = extract_column(csv_content, 'AvgLength (cm)')
noImages = extract_column(csv_content, 'Number of images')
noEggs = extract_column(csv_content, 'Number of eggs')


Family: Accipitridae, Accipitridae, Accipitridae
Species: Accipiter badius, Accipiter cooperii, Accipiter gentilis
Asymmetry: 0.1378, 0.0937, 0.1114
Ellipticity: 0.3435, 0.2715, 0.3186
AvgLength (cm): 3.8642, 4.9008, 5.9863
Number of images: 1, 27, 7
Number of eggs: 2, 103, 18

['Accipitridae', 'Accipitridae', 'Accipitridae']
['Accipiter badius', 'Accipiter cooperii', 'Accipiter gentilis']
['0.1378', '0.0937', '0.1114']
['0.3435', '0.2715', '0.3186']
['3.8642', '4.9008', '5.9863']
['1', '27', '7']
['2', '103', '18']

In [70]:
# use the extract_column function in a loop to automatically extract all of the columns from a from the list
# of dictionaries to create a dictionary representing each column of values

columns = {}
for column in csv_content[0].keys():
    columns[column] = extract_column(csv_content, column)

Family: Accipitridae, Accipitridae, Accipitridae
MVZDatabase: Accipiter badius, Accipiter cooperii, Accipiter gentilis
Species: Accipiter badius, Accipiter cooperii, Accipiter gentilis
Asymmetry: 0.1378, 0.0937, 0.1114
Ellipticity: 0.3435, 0.2715, 0.3186
AvgLength (cm): 3.8642, 4.9008, 5.9863
Number of images: 1, 27, 7
Number of eggs: 2, 103, 18
 'Family': ['Accipitridae',
 'MVZDatabase': ['Accipiter badius',
  'Accipiter cooperii',
  'Accipiter gentilis',
  'Accipiter nisus',
  'Accipiter striatus',
  'Aegypius monachus',
  'Aquila chrysaetos',
  'Aquila rapax',
  'Buteo albicaudatus',
  'Buteo brachyurus',
  'Buteo buteo',
  'Buteo jamaicensis',
  'Buteo lagopus',
  'Buteo lineatus',
  'Asturina nitida',
  'Buteo platypterus',
  'Buteo regalis',
  'Buteo swainsoni',
  'Buteogallus anthracinus',
  'Circus cyaneus',
  'Elanoides forficatus',
  'Elanus leucurus',
  'Gyps fulvus',
  'Haliaeetus albicilla',
  'Haliaeetus leucocephalus',
  'Haliaeetus leucogaster',
  'Haliaeetus leucoryphus',
  'Haliastur indus',
  'Hieraaetus pennatus',
  'Ichthyophaga ichthyaetus',
  'Ictinia mississippiensis',
  'Milvus migrans',
  'Neophron percnopterus',
  'Parabuteo unicinctus',
  'Rostrhamus sociabilis',
  'Aegypius calvus',
  'Cathartes aura',
  'Coragyps atratus',
  'Gymnogyps californianus',
  'Pandion haliaetus',
  'Sagittarius serpentarius',
  'Aix sponsa',
  'Anas acuta',
  'Anas americana',
  'Anas bahamensis',
  'Anas clypeata',
  'Anas crecca',
  'Anas cyanoptera',
  'Anas discors',
  'Anas fulvigula',
  'Anas penelope',
  'Anas platyrhynchos',
  'Anas poecilorhyncha',
  'Anas rubripes',
  'Anas strepera',
  'Anser albifrons',
  'Anser brachyrhynchus',
  'Aythya affinis',
  'Aythya americana',
  'Aythya collaris',
  'Aythya marila',
  'Aythya valisineria',
  'Branta bernicla',
  'Branta canadensis',
  'Bucephala albeola',
  'Bucephala clangula',
  'Bucephala islandica',
  'Chen canagicus',
  'Chloephaga hybrida',
  'Chloephaga picta',
  'Clangula hyemalis',
  'Cygnus atratus',
  'Cygnus buccinator',
  'Cygnus columbianus',
  'Cygnus cygnus',
  'Cygnus olor',
  'Dendrocygna bicolor',
  'Dendrocygna viduata',
  'Histrionicus histrionicus',
  'Melanitta fusca',
  'Melanitta nigra',
  'Mergus merganser',
  'Mergus serrator',
  'Oxyura jamaicensis',
  'Somateria mollissima',
  'Somateria spectabilis',
  'Tachyeres patochonicus',
  'Thalassornis leuconotus',
  'Anhima cornuta',
  'Aeronautes saxatalis',
  'Apus affinis',
  'Apus apus',
  'Apus caffer',
  'Chaetura pelagica',
  'Chaetura vauxi',
  'Aerodramus francica',
  'Cypseloides niger',
  'Cypsiurus parvus',
  'Hemiprocne longipennis',
  'Archilochus alexandri',
  'Archilochus colubris',
  'Calothorax lucifer',
  'Calypte anna',
  'Calypte costae',
  'Hylocharis xantusii',
  'Lampornis clemenciae',
  'Oreotrochilus estella',
  'Selasphorus platycercus',
  'Selasphorus rufus',
  'Selasphorus sasin',
  'Stellula calliope',
  'Apteryx australis',
  'Upupa epops',
  'Caprimulgus affinis',
  'Caprimulgus asiaticus',
  'Caprimulgus carolinensis',
  'Scotornis climacurus',
  'Caprimulgus europaeus',
  'Caprimulgus indicus',
  'Caprimulgus macrurus',
  'Caprimulgus pectoralis',
  'Caprimulgus ruficollis',
  'Caprimulgus rufigena',
  'Semeiophorus vexillarius',
  'Caprimulgus vociferus',
  'Chordeiles acutipennis',
  'Chordeiles minor',
  'Macrodipteryx longipennis',
  'Nyctidromus albicollis',
  'Phalaenoptilus nuttallii',
  'Batrachostomus javensis',
  'Batrachostomus stellatus',
  'Podargus strigoides',
  'Casuarius bennetti',
  'Casuarius casuarius',
  'Dromaius novaehollandiae',
  'Aethia cristatella',
  'Aethia psittacula',
  'Aethia pusilla',
  'Alca torda',
  'Alle alle',
  'Brachyramphus marmoratus',
  'Cepphus columba',
  'Cepphus grylle',
  'Cerorhinca monocerata',
  'Fratercula arctica',
  'Fratercula cirrhata',
  'Fratercula corniculata',
  'Ptychoramphus aleuticus',
  'Synthliboramphus antiquus',
  'Synthliboramphus craveri',
  'Synthliboramphus hypoleucus',
  'Uria aalge',
  'Uria lomvia',
  'Burhinus capensis',
  'Burhinus oedicnemus',
  'Burhinus vermicularis',
  'Charadrius alexandrinus',
  'Charadrius dubius',
  'Charadrius falklandicus',
  'Charadrius hiaticula',
  'Charadrius melodus',
  'Charadrius modestus',
  'Charadrius montanus',
  'Charadrius pecuarius',
  'Charadrius semipalmatus',
  'Charadrius tricollaris',
  'Charadrius vociferus',
  'Charadrius wilsonia',
  'Charadrius melanops',
  'Charadrius cinctus',
  'Eudromias morinellus',
  'Pluvialis apricaria',
  'Pluvialis dominicus',
  'Pluvialis fulva',
  'Vanellus armatus',
  'Vanellus coronatus',
  'Vanellus miles',
  'Vanellus senegallus',
  'Vanellus vanellus',
  'Dromas ardeola',
  'Cursorius cursor',
  'Cursorius temminckii',
  'Glareola lactea',
  'Glareola maldivarum',
  'Glareola nuchalis',
  'Glareola pratincola',
  'Rhinoptilus africanus',
  'Haematopus bachmani',
  'Haematopus ostralegus',
  'Haematopus palliatus',
  'Actophilornis africanus',
  'Jacana spinosa',
  'Metopidius indicus',
  'Anous minutus',
  'Anous stolidus',
  'Chlidonias leucopterus',
  'Chlidonias niger',
  'Creagrus furcatus',
  'Gygis alba',
  'Larus argentatus',
  'Larus atricilla',
  'Larus californicus',
  'Larus canus',
  'Larus cirrocephalus',
  'Larus delawarensis',
  'Larus dominicanus',
  'Larus fuscus',
  'Larus genei',
  'Larus glaucescens',
  'Larus glaucoides',
  'Larus heermanni',
  'Larus hemprichii',
  'Larus hyperboreus',
  'Larus livens',
  'Larus maculipennis',
  'Larus marinus',
  'Larus minutus',
  'Larus novaehollandiae',
  'Larus occidentalis',
  'Larus philadelphia',
  'Larus pipixcan',
  'Larus ridibundus',
  'Gabianus scoresbii',
  'Pagophila alba',
  'Rissa brevirostris',
  'Rissa tridactyla',
  'Rynchops niger',
  'Sterna melanogaster',
  'Sterna albifrons',
  'Sterna aleutica',
  'Sterna anaethetus',
  'Sterna aurantia',
  'Sterna bergii',
  'Sterna caspia',
  'Sterna dougallii',
  'Sterna elegans',
  'Sterna forsteri',
  'Sterna fuscata',
  'Sterna hirundinacea',
  'Sterna hirundo',
  'Sterna maxima',
  'Sterna nilotica',
  'Sterna paradisaea',
  'Sterna repressa',
  'Sterna sandvicensis',
  'Sterna striata',
  'Sterna sumatrana',
  'Sterna superciliaris',
  'Sterna trudeaui',
  'Xema sabini',
  'Himantopus mexicanus',
  'Recurvirostra americana',
  'Actitis hypoleucos',
  'Actitis macularia',
  'Arenaria melanocephala',
  'Bartramia longicauda',
  'Calidris alpina',
  'Calidris melanotos',
  'Calidris minutilla',
  'Calidris ptilocnemis',
  'Catoptrophorus semipalmatus',
  'Gallinago gallinago',
  'Gallinago delicata',
  'Gallinago paraguaiae',
  'Limicola falcinellus',
  'Limnodromus griseus',
  'Limosa fedoa',
  'Limosa haemastica',
  'Limosa limosa',
  'Numenius americanus',
  'Numenius arquata',
  'Numenius phaeopus',
  'Phalaropus fulicarius',
  'Phalaropus lobatus',
  'Philomachus pugnax',
  'Scolopax minor',
  'Scolopax rusticola',
  'Phalaropus tricolor',
  'Tringa flavipes',
  'Tringa totanus',
  'Stercorarius maccormicki',
  'Stercorarius skua',
  'Stercorarius longicaudus',
  'Stercorarius parasiticus',
  'Stercorarius pomarinus',
  'Turnix ocellata',
  'Turnix suscitator',
  'Turnix sylvatica',
  'Turnix tanki',
  'Anastomus lamelligerus',
  'Ciconia ciconia',
  'Mycteria americana',
  'Mycteria leucocephala',
  'Colius colius',
  'Colius leucocephalus',
  'Colius striatus',
  'Colius indicus',
  'Chalcophaps indica',
  'Columba delegorguei',
  'Columba livia',
  'Columba oenas',
  'Columba palumbus',
  'Columba rupestris',
  'Scardafella inca',
  'Columbina minuta',
  'Columbina passerina',
  'Columbina talpacoti',
  'Didunculus strigirostris',
  'Gallicolumba jobiensis',
  'Gallicolumba kubaryi',
  'Gallicolumba rubescens',
  'Gallicolumba rufigula',
  'Gallicolumba stairi',
  'Geopelia striata',
  'Petrophassa smithii',
  'Geotrygon chrysia',
  'Geotrygon montana',
  'Leptotila verreauxi',
  'Macropygia unchall',
  'Oena capensis',
  'Columba fasciata',
  'Columba flavirostris',
  'Columba leucocephala',
  'Phapitreron leucotis',
  'Ptilinopus leclancheri',
  'Ptilinopus perousii',
  'Starnoenas cyanocephala',
  'Streptopelia chinensis',
  'Streptopelia senegalensis',
  'Streptopelia bitorquata',
  'Streptopelia capicola',
  'Streptopelia orientalis',
  'Streptopelia tranquebarica',
  'Treron apicauda',
  'Treron pompadora',
  'Treron sphenura',
  'Treron vernans',
  'Turtur afer',
  'Turtur chalcospilos',
  'Zenaida asiatica',
  'Zenaida macroura',
  'Halcyon lindsayi',
  'Alcedo atthis',
  'Alcedo cristata',
  'Alcedo hercules',
  'Ceryle rudis',
  'Chloroceryle americana',
  'Halcyon albiventris',
  'Halcyon chelicuti',
  'Megaceryle alcyon',
  'Halcyon chloris',
  'Halcyon macleayii',
  'Halcyon pyrrhopygia',
  'Coracias noevia',
  'Merops apiaster',
  'Merops bullockoides',
  'Merops ornatus',
  'Merops pusillus',
  'Merops superciliosus',
  'Merops viridis',
  'Centropus bengalensis',
  'Centropus senegalensis',
  'Centropus superciliosus',
  'Centropus viridis',
  'Coccyzus americanus',
  'Coccyzus erythropthalmus',
  'Coccyzus minor',
  'Crotophaga ani',
  'Crotophaga sulcirostris',
  'Cuculus pallidus',
  'Geococcyx californianus',
  'Geococcyx velox',
  'Guira guira',
  'Dasylophus superciliosus',
  'Rhynochetos jubatus',
  'Aepyornis sp.',
  'Ectopistes migratorius',
  'Dinornis sp.',
  'Porzana palmeri',
  'Caracara cheriway',
  'Falco biarmicus',
  'Falco columbarius',
  'Falco femoralis',
  'Falco mexicanus',
  'Falco peregrinus',
  'Falco rusticolus',
  'Falco sparverius',
  'Falco subbuteo',
  'Falco tinnunculus',
  'Phalcoboenus australis',
  'Ortalis vetula',
  'Macrocephalon maleo',
  'Megapodius freycinet',
  'Megapodius pritchardii',
  'Numida meleagris',
  'Callipepla californica',
  'Callipepla gambelii',
  'Callipepla squamata',
  'Colinus virginianus',
  'Cyrtonyx montezumae',
  'Oreortyx pictus',
  'Ptilopachus petrosus',
  'Alectoris barbara',
  'Alectoris chukar',
  'Arborophila atrogularis',
  'Arborophila rufogularis',
  'Bambusicola fytchii',
  'Bonasa umbellus',
  'Centrocercus urophasianus',
  'Excalfactoria chinensis',
  'Coturnix coturnix',
  'Falcipennis canadensis',
  'Dendragapus obscurus',
  'Francolinus coqui',
  'Francolinus hildebrandti',
  'Francolinus pintadeanus',
  'Francolinus shelleyi',
  'Francolinus squamatus',
  'Gallus gallus',
  'Gallus sonneratii',
  'Lagopus lagopus',
  'Lagopus mutus',
  'Gennaeus horsfieldii',
  'Lophura nycthemera',
  'Lophura swinhoii',
  'Meleagris gallopavo',
  'Meleagris ocellata',
  'Pavo cristatus',
  'Perdix perdix',
  'Phasianus colchicus',
  'Polyplectron germaini',
  'Syrmaticus reevesi',
  'Tetrao tetrix',
  'Tetrao urogallus',
  'Tetraogallus tibetanus',
  'Tragopan caboti',
  'Tympanuchus cupido',
  'Tympanuchus phasianellus',
  'Gavia adamsii',
  'Gavia arctica',
  'Gavia immer',
  'Gavia pacifica',
  'Gavia stellata',
  'Aramus guarauna',
  'Balearica pavonina',
  'Grus americana',
  'Grus canadensis',
  'Grus grus',
  'Anthropoides virgo',
  'Porzana bicolor',
  'Amaurornis flavirostra',
  'Amaurornis olivaceus',
  'Amaurornis phoenicurus',
  'Aramides cajanea',
  'Crex crex',
  'Fulica americana',
  'Fulica armillata',
  'Fulica atra',
  'Fulica cristata',
  'Gallicrex cinerea',
  'Gallinula chloropus',
  'Gallirallus philippensis',
  'Gallirallus striatus',
  'Gallirallus torquatus',
  'Laterallus jamaicensis',
  'Rallus pectoralis',
  'Neocrex erythrops',
  'Porphyrio martinica',
  'Porphyrio madagascariensis',
  'Porphyrio poliocephalus',
  'Porzana carolina',
  'Poliolimnas cinereus',
  'Porzana fusca',
  'Porzana porzana',
  'Porzana pusilla',
  'Rallus elegans',
  'Rallus limicola',
  'Rallus longirostris',
  'Eupodotis caerulescens',
  'Lophotis ruficrista',
  'Otis tarda',
  'Acanthiza chrysorrhoa',
  'Acanthiza pusilla',
  'Gerygone sulphurea',
  'Smicrornis brevirostris',
  'Acrocephalus arundinaceus',
  'Acrocephalus gracilirostris',
  'Acrocephalus palustris',
  'Acrocephalus schoenobaenus',
  'Acrocephalus scirpaceus',
  'Hippolais icterina',
  'Hippolais polyglotta',
  'Aegithalos caudatus',
  'Psaltriparus minimus',
  'Alauda arvensis',
  'Ammomanes deserti',
  'Ammomanes phoenicurus',
  'Calandrella cinerea',
  'Certhilauda curvirostris',
  'Certhilauda albofasciata',
  'Eremophila alpestris',
  'Galerida cristata',
  'Galerida magnirostris',
  'Lullula arborea',
  'Melanocorypha mongolica',
  'Mirafra africana',
  'Mirafra javanica',
  'Artamus cyanopterus',
  'Artamus leucorhynchus',
  'Artamus personatus',
  'Artamus superciliosus',
  'Cracticus nigrogularis',
  'Cracticus torquatus',
  'Gymnorhina tibicen',
  'Bombycilla cedrorum',
  'Bombycilla garrulus',
  'Calcarius lapponicus',
  'Calcarius mccownii',
  'Calcarius ornatus',
  'Plectrophenax nivalis',
  'Cardinalis cardinalis',
  'Cardinalis sinuatus',
  'Passerina brissonii',
  'Cyanocompsa cyanoides',
  'Passerina amoena',
  'Passerina caerulea',
  'Passerina ciris',
  'Passerina cyanea',
  'Passerina versicolor',
  'Pheucticus ludovicianus',
  'Pheucticus melanocephalus',
  'Piranga flava',
  'Piranga ludoviciana',
  'Piranga olivacea',
  'Piranga rubra',
  'Spiza americana',
  'Certhia americana',
  'Certhia familiaris',
  'Cinclus cinclus',
  'Cinclus mexicanus',
  'Prinia jacksoni',
  'Camaroptera brevicaudata',
  'Cisticola brunnescens',
  'Cisticola cantans',
  'Cisticola chiniana',
  'Cisticola exilis',
  'Cisticola fulvicapilla',
  'Cisticola galactotes',
  'Cisticola juncidis',
  'Cisticola lais',
  'Cisticola robusta',
  'Cisticola subruficapilla',
  'Cisticola tinniens',
  'Prinia pectoralis',
  'Orthotomus atrogularis',
  'Orthotomus sutorius',
  'Prinia atrogularis',
  'Prinia criniger',
  'Prinia familiaris',
  'Prinia flaviventris',
  'Prinia gracilis',
  'Prinia inornata',
  'Prinia maculosa',
  'Prinia rufescens',
  'Prinia subflava',
  'Prinia sylvatica',
  'Aphelocoma californica',
  'Aphelocoma coerulescens',
  'Aphelocoma ultramarina',
  'Cissa chinensis',
  'Corvus bennetti',
  'Corvus brachyrhynchos',
  'Corvus corax',
  'Corvus corone',
  'Corvus cryptoleucus',
  'Corvus frugilegus',
  'Corvus macrorhynchos',
  'Corvus monedula',
  'Corvus ossifragus',
  'Cyanocitta cristata',
  'Cyanocitta stelleri',
  'Psilorhinus morio',
  'Cyanocorax yncas',
  'Cyanopica cyana',
  'Garrulus glandarius',
  'Gymnorhinus cyanocephalus',
  'Nucifraga caryocatactes',
  'Nucifraga columbiana',
  'Perisoreus canadensis',
  'Perisoreus infaustus',
  'Pica hudsonia',
  'Pica nuttalli',
  'Pica pica',
  'Phytotoma rutila',
  'Pipreola riefferii',
  'Dicaeum pectorale',
  'Dicrurus adsimilis',
  'Dicrurus aeneus',
  'Dicrurus hottentottus',
  'Dicrurus leucophaeus',
  'Dicrurus macrocercus',
  'Dicrurus remifer',
  'Emberiza cioides',
  'Emberiza cirlus',
  'Emberiza citrinella',
  'Emberiza flaviventris',
  'Emberiza fucata',
  'Emberiza impetuani',
  'Emberiza pusilla',
  'Emberiza schoeniclus',
  'Emberiza spodocephala',
  'Emberiza calandra',
  'Amadina erythrocephala',
  'Estrilda astrild',
  'Estrilda nonnula',
  'Lagonosticta senegala',
  'Lonchura atricapilla',
  'Lonchura cucullata',
  'Lonchura maja',
  'Lonchura malacca',
  'Lonchura punctulata',
  'Lonchura striata',
  'Ortygospiza atricollis',
  'Padda oryzivora',
  'Cymbirhynchus macrorhynchos',
  'Psarisomus dalhousiae',
  'Serilophus lunatus',
  'Carduelis cannabina',
  'Carduelis chloris',
  'Carduelis cabaret',
  'Carduelis flammea',
  'Carduelis flavirostris',
  'Carduelis hornemanni',
  'Carduelis lawrencei',
  'Carduelis pinus',
  'Carduelis psaltria',
  'Carduelis spinus',
  'Carduelis tristis',
  'Carpodacus cassinii',
  'Carpodacus erythrinus',
  'Carpodacus mexicanus',
  'Carpodacus purpureus',
  'Coccothraustes coccothraustes',
  'Coccothraustes vespertinus',
  'Fringilla coelebs',
  'Fringilla montifringilla',
  'Hemignathus virens',
  'Leucosticte tephrocotis',
  'Loxia curvirostra',
  'Pinicola enucleator',
  'Pyrrhula pyrrhula',
  'Serinus alario',
  'Serinus albogularis',
  'Serinus canaria',
  'Serinus canicollis',
  'Serinus flaviventris',
  'Serinus gularis',
  'Serinus mozambicus',
  'Serinus striolatus',
  'Serinus sulphuratus',
  'Telespiza cantans',
  'Thripophaga pyrrholeuca',
  'Certhiaxis cinnamomea',
  'Certhiaxis pyrrhophia',
  'Furnarius cristatus',
  'Furnarius rufus',
  'Phacellodomus rufifrons',
  'Pseudoseisura lophotes',
  'Synallaxis albescens',
  'Synallaxis superciliosa',
  'Synallaxis azarae',
  'Synallaxis brachyura',
  'Synallaxis erythrothorax',
  'Synallaxis frontalis',
  'Synallaxis spixi',
  'Upucerthia certhioides',
  'Delichon urbica',
  'Cecropis abyssinica',
  'Hirundo albigularis',
  'Hirundo angolensis',
  'Cecropis daurica',
  'Hirundo nigrita',
  'Hirundo rustica',
  'Cecropis senegalensis',
  'Petrochelidon spilodera',
  'Petrochelidon pyrrhonota',
  'Progne subis',
  'Riparia paludicola',
  'Riparia riparia',
  'Stelgidopteryx ruficollis',
  'Tachycineta bicolor',
  'Tachycineta thalassina',
  'Agelaius humeralis',
  'Agelaius phoeniceus',
  'Agelaius tricolor',
  'Agelaius ruficapillus',
  'Dolichonyx oryzivorus',
  'Euphagus carolinus',
  'Euphagus cyanocephalus',
  'Icteria virens',
  'Icterus bullockii',
  'Icterus cucullatus',
  'Icterus galbula',
  'Icterus parisorum',
  'Icterus spurius',
  'Icterus wagleri',
  'Quiscalus lugubris',
  'Quiscalus major',
  'Quiscalus mexicanus',
  'Quiscalus quiscula',
  'Sturnella magna',
  'Pezites militaris',
  'Sturnella neglecta',
  'Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus',
  'Lanius bucephalus',
  'Lanius collaris',
  'Lanius collurio',
  'Lanius cristatus',
  'Lanius excubitoroides',
  'Lanius ludovicianus',
  'Lanius schach',
  'Lanius tigrinus',
  'Lanius vittatus',
  'Corvinella melanoleuca',
  'Actinodura egertoni',
  'Alcippe nipalensis',
  'Garrulax delesserti',
  'Garrulax erythrocephalus',
  'Garrulax galbanus',
  'Garrulax lineatus',
  'Garrulax pectoralis',
  'Garrulax ruficollis',
  'Garrulax sannio',
  'Heterophasia annectens',
  'Heterophasia capistrata',
  'Leiothrix argentauris',
  'Leiothrix lutea',
  'Liocichla phoenicea',
  'Turdoides aylmeri',
  'Turdoides caudatus',
  'Turdoides hypoleucus',
  'Turdoides jardineii',
  'Turdoides malcomi',
  'Bradypterus baboecala',
  'Locustella naevia',
  'Megalurus gramineus',
  'Megalurus palustris',
  'Sylvietta rufescens',
  'Sylvietta virens',
  'Tchagra senegala',
  'Telophorus zeylonus',
  'Malurus cyaneus',
  'Anthochaera carunculata',
  'Meliphaga melanops',
  'Manorina flavigula',
  'Manorina melanophrys',
  'Philemon citreogularis',
  'Phylidonyris novaehollandiae',
  'Dumetella carolinensis',
  'Mimus gilvus',
  'Mimus polyglottos',
  'Oreoscoptes montanus',
  'Toxostoma bendirei',
  'Toxostoma cinereum',
  'Toxostoma crissale',
  'Toxostoma curvirostre',
  'Toxostoma lecontei',
  'Toxostoma longirostre',
  'Toxostoma redivivum',
  'Toxostoma rufum',
  'Grallina cyanoleuca',
  'Hypothymis azurea',
  'Monarcha takatsukasae',
  'Myiagra azureocapilla',
  'Rhipidura paradisi',
  'Terpsiphone viridis',
  'Anthus campestris',
  'Anthus novaeseelandiae',
  'Anthus petrosus',
  'Anthus pratensis',
  'Anthus rubescens',
  'Anthus trivialis',
  'Macronyx ameliae',
  'Macronyx capensis',
  'Macronyx croceus',
  'Motacilla aguimp',
  'Motacilla alba',
  'Motacilla capensis',
  'Motacilla cinerea',
  'Motacilla citreola',
  'Motacilla flava',
  'Brachypteryx leucophrys',
  'Bradornis infuscatus',
  'Bradornis pallidus',
  'Cercomela familiaris',
  'Cercomela sinuata',
  'Cinclidium leucurum',
  'Copsychus malabaricus',
  'Copsychus saularis',
  'Cossypha caffra',
  'Enicurus maculatus',
  'Enicurus schistaceus',
  'Erithacus rubecula',
  'Erythropygia coryphaeus',
  'Erythropygia leucophrys',
  'Muscicapa albicaudata',
  'Muscicapa thalassina',
  'Ficedula hypoleuca',
  'Ficedula superciliaris',
  'Ficedula tricolor',
  'Hodgsonius phaenicuroides',
  'Luscinia luscinia',
  'Luscinia megarhynchos',
  'Luscinia svecica',
  'Melaenornis pammelaina',
  'Monticola cinclorhynchus',
  'Muscicapa cassini',
  'Muscicapa striata',
  'Myiophoneus caeruleus',
  'Niltava sundara',
  'Oenanthe hispanica',
  'Oenanthe isabellina',
  'Oenanthe leucura',
  'Oenanthe moesta',
  'Oenanthe monticola',
  'Oenanthe oenanthe',
  'Oenanthe pileata',
  'Oenanthe pleschanka',
  'Phoenicurus moussieri',
  'Phoenicurus ochruros',
  'Rhyacornis fuliginosus',
  'Saxicola caprata',
  'Saxicola torquata',
  'Saxicoloides fulicata',
  'Aethopyga eximia',
  'Nectarinia asiatica',
  'Nectarinia calcostetha',
  'Nectarinia chloropygia',
  'Nectarinia cuprea',
  'Nectarinia erythrocerca',
  'Nectarinia famosa',
  'Nectarinia jugularis',
  'Nectarinia violacea',
  'Oreoica gutturalis',
  'Oriolus chinensis',
  'Oriolus monacha',
  'Oriolus oriolus',
  'Oriolus sagittatus',
  'Oriolus xanthonotus',
  'Colluricincla harmonica',
  'Pachycephala rufiventris',
  'Paradisaea apoda',
  'Pardalotus punctatus',
  'Baeolophus atricristatus',
  'Baeolophus bicolor',
  'Baeolophus inornatus',
  'Baeolophus ridgwayi',
  'Baeolophus wollweberi',
  'Poecile atricapilla',
  'Cyanistes caeruleus',
  'Poecile carolinensis',
  'Poecile cincta',
  'Poecile gambeli',
  'Poecile hudsonica',
  'Parus major',
  'Poecile palustris',
  'Poecile rufescens',
  'Poecile sclateri',
  'Cardellina rubrifrons',
  'Dendroica caerulescens',
  'Dendroica castanea',
  'Dendroica cerulea',
  'Dendroica chrysoparia',
  'Dendroica coronata',
  'Dendroica discolor',
  'Dendroica dominica',
  'Dendroica fusca',
  'Dendroica magnolia',
  'Dendroica nigrescens',
  'Dendroica occidentalis',
  'Dendroica palmarum',
  'Dendroica pensylvanica',
  'Dendroica petechia',
  'Dendroica pinus',
  'Dendroica striata',
  'Dendroica tigrina',
  'Dendroica virens',
  'Geothlypis beldingi',
  'Geothlypis poliocephala',
  'Geothlypis trichas',
  'Helmitheros vermivorus',
  'Limnothlypis swainsonii',
  'Mniotilta varia',
  'Myioborus miniatus',
  'Myioborus pictus',
  'Oporornis formosus',
  'Oporornis philadelphia',
  'Oporornis tolmiei',
  'Parula americana',
  'Protonotaria citrea',
  'Seiurus aurocapillus',
  'Seiurus motacilla',
  'Seiurus noveboracensis',
  'Setophaga ruticilla',
  'Vermivora celata',
  'Vermivora chrysoptera',
  'Vermivora luciae',
  'Vermivora peregrina',
  'Vermivora pinus',
  'Vermivora ruficapilla',
  'Vermivora virginiae',
  'Wilsonia canadensis',
  'Wilsonia citrina',
  'Wilsonia pusilla',
  'Aimophila aestivalis',
  'Aimophila cassinii',
  'Aimophila ruficauda',
  'Aimophila ruficeps',
  'Ammodramus caudacutus',
  'Ammodramus maritimus',
  'Ammodramus nelsoni',
  'Ammodramus savannarum',
  'Amphispiza belli',
  'Amphispiza bilineata',
  'Arremonops conirostris',
  'Arremonops rufivirgatus',
  'Calamospiza melanocorys',
  'Chondestes grammacus',
  'Junco bairdi',
  'Junco caniceps',
  'Junco hyemalis',
  'Junco oreganus',
  'Junco phaeonotus',
  'Melospiza georgiana',
  'Melospiza lincolnii',
  'Melospiza melodia',
  'Passerculus sandwichensis',
  'Passerella iliaca',
  'Pipilo aberti',
  'Pipilo chlorurus',
  'Pipilo crissalis',
  'Pipilo erythrophthalmus',
  'Pipilo fuscus',
  'Pipilo maculatus',
  'Pooecetes gramineus',
  'Spizella atrogularis',
  'Spizella breweri',
  'Spizella pallida',
  'Spizella passerina',
  'Spizella pusilla',
  'Zonotrichia albicollis',
  'Zonotrichia atricapilla',
  'Zonotrichia capensis',
  'Zonotrichia leucophrys',
  'Passer domesticus',
  'Passer griseus',
  'Passer iagoensis',
  'Passer melanurus',
  'Passer montanus',
  'Passer rutilans',
  'Petronia xanthocollis',
  'Alcippe brunnea',
  'Alcippe rufogularis',
  'Napothera brevicaudata',
  'Pellorneum albiventre',
  'Pellorneum ruficeps',
  'Trichastoma tickelli',
  'Eopsaltria australis',
  'Microeca leucophaea',
  'Petroica multicolor',
  'Phylloscopus collybita',
  'Phylloscopus schwarzi',
  'Phylloscopus sibelatrix',
  'Phylloscopus trochilus',
  'Seicercus xanthoschistos',
  'Manacus aurantiacus',
  'Pitta brachyura',
  'Pitta nipalensis',
  'Batis capensis',
  'Amblyospiza albifrons',
  'Euplectes afer',
  'Euplectes ardens',
  'Euplectes axillaris',
  'Euplectes capensis',
  'Euplectes hordeaceus',
  'Euplectes jacksoni',
  'Euplectes macrourus',
  'Euplectes nigroventris',
  'Euplectes orix',
  'Ploceus aurantius',
  'Ploceus baglafecht',
  'Ploceus capensis',
  'Ploceus castanops',
  'Ploceus cucullatus',
  'Ploceus hypoxanthus',
  'Ploceus intermedius',
  'Ploceus jacksoni',
  'Ploceus manyar',
  'Ploceus melanocephalus',
 'Species': ['Accipiter badius',
  'Accipiter cooperii',
  'Accipiter gentilis',
  'Accipiter nisus',
  'Accipiter striatus',
  'Aegypius monachus',
  'Aquila chrysaetos',
  'Aquila rapax',
  'Buteo albicaudatus',
  'Buteo brachyurus',
  'Buteo buteo',
  'Buteo jamaicensis',
  'Buteo lagopus',
  'Buteo lineatus',
  'Buteo nitidus',
  'Buteo platypterus',
  'Buteo regalis',
  'Buteo swainsoni',
  'Buteogallus anthracinus',
  'Circus cyaneus',
  'Elanoides forficatus',
  'Elanus leucurus',
  'Gyps fulvus',
  'Haliaeetus albicilla',
  'Haliaeetus leucocephalus',
  'Haliaeetus leucogaster',
  'Haliaeetus leucoryphus',
  'Haliastur indus',
  'Hieraaetus pennatus',
  'Ichthyophaga ichthyaetus',
  'Ictinia mississippiensis',
  'Milvus migrans',
  'Neophron percnopterus',
  'Parabuteo unicinctus',
  'Rostrhamus sociabilis',
  'Sarcogyps calvus',
  'Cathartes aura',
  'Coragyps atratus',
  'Gymnogyps californianus',
  'Pandion haliaetus',
  'Sagittarius serpentarius',
  'Aix sponsa',
  'Anas acuta',
  'Anas americana',
  'Anas bahamensis',
  'Anas clypeata',
  'Anas crecca',
  'Anas cyanoptera',
  'Anas discors',
  'Anas fulvigula',
  'Anas penelope',
  'Anas platyrhynchos',
  'Anas poecilorhyncha',
  'Anas rubripes',
  'Anas strepera',
  'Anser albifrons',
  'Anser brachyrhynchus',
  'Aythya affinis',
  'Aythya americana',
  'Aythya collaris',
  'Aythya marila',
  'Aythya valisineria',
  'Branta bernicla',
  'Branta canadensis',
  'Bucephala albeola',
  'Bucephala clangula',
  'Bucephala islandica',
  'Chen canagica',
  'Chloephaga hybrida',
  'Chloephaga picta',
  'Clangula hyemalis',
  'Cygnus atratus',
  'Cygnus buccinator',
  'Cygnus columbianus',
  'Cygnus cygnus',
  'Cygnus olor',
  'Dendrocygna bicolor',
  'Dendrocygna viduata',
  'Histrionicus histrionicus',
  'Melanitta fusca',
  'Melanitta nigra',
  'Mergus merganser',
  'Mergus serrator',
  'Oxyura jamaicensis',
  'Somateria mollissima',
  'Somateria spectabilis',
  'Tachyeres patachonicus',
  'Thalassornis leuconotus',
  'Anhima cornuta',
  'Aeronautes saxatalis',
  'Apus affinis',
  'Apus apus',
  'Apus caffer',
  'Chaetura pelagica',
  'Chaetura vauxi',
  'Collocalia francica',
  'Cypseloides niger',
  'Cypsiurus parvus',
  'Hemiprocne longipennis',
  'Archilochus alexandri',
  'Archilochus colubris',
  'Calothorax lucifer',
  'Calypte anna',
  'Calypte costae',
  'Hylocharis xantusii',
  'Lampornis clemenciae',
  'Oreotrochilus estella',
  'Selasphorus platycercus',
  'Selasphorus rufus',
  'Selasphorus sasin',
  'Stellula calliope',
  'Apteryx australis',
  'Upupa epops',
  'Caprimulgus affinis',
  'Caprimulgus asiaticus',
  'Caprimulgus carolinensis',
  'Caprimulgus climacurus',
  'Caprimulgus europaeus',
  'Caprimulgus indicus',
  'Caprimulgus macrurus',
  'Caprimulgus pectoralis',
  'Caprimulgus ruficollis',
  'Caprimulgus rufigena',
  'Caprimulgus vexillarius',
  'Caprimulgus vociferus',
  'Chordeiles acutipennis',
  'Chordeiles minor',
  'Macrodipteryx longipennis',
  'Nyctidromus albicollis',
  'Phalaenoptilus nuttallii',
  'Batrachostomus javensis',
  'Batrachostomus stellatus',
  'Podargus strigoides',
  'Casuarius bennetti',
  'Casuarius casuarius',
  'Dromaius novaehollandiae',
  'Aethia cristatella',
  'Aethia psittacula',
  'Aethia pusilla',
  'Alca torda',
  'Alle alle',
  'Brachyramphus marmoratus',
  'Cepphus columba',
  'Cepphus grylle',
  'Cerorhinca monocerata',
  'Fratercula arctica',
  'Fratercula cirrhata',
  'Fratercula corniculata',
  'Ptychoramphus aleuticus',
  'Synthliboramphus antiquus',
  'Synthliboramphus craveri',
  'Synthliboramphus hypoleucus',
  'Uria aalge',
  'Uria lomvia',
  'Burhinus capensis',
  'Burhinus oedicnemus',
  'Burhinus vermicularis',
  'Charadrius alexandrinus',
  'Charadrius dubius',
  'Charadrius falklandicus',
  'Charadrius hiaticula',
  'Charadrius melodus',
  'Charadrius modestus',
  'Charadrius montanus',
  'Charadrius pecuarius',
  'Charadrius semipalmatus',
  'Charadrius tricollaris',
  'Charadrius vociferus',
  'Charadrius wilsonia',
  'Elseyornis melanops',
  'Erythrogonys cinctus',
  'Eudromias morinellus',
  'Pluvialis apricaria',
  'Pluvialis dominica',
  'Pluvialis fulva',
  'Vanellus armatus',
  'Vanellus coronatus',
  'Vanellus miles',
  'Vanellus senegallus',
  'Vanellus vanellus',
  'Dromas ardeola',
  'Cursorius cursor',
  'Cursorius temminckii',
  'Glareola lactea',
  'Glareola maldivarum',
  'Glareola nuchalis',
  'Glareola pratincola',
  'Rhinoptilus africanus',
  'Haematopus bachmani',
  'Haematopus ostralegus',
  'Haematopus palliatus',
  'Actophilornis africanus',
  'Jacana spinosa',
  'Metopidius indicus',
  'Anous minutus',
  'Anous stolidus',
  'Chlidonias leucopterus',
  'Chlidonias niger',
  'Creagrus furcatus',
  'Gygis alba',
  'Larus argentatus',
  'Larus atricilla',
  'Larus californicus',
  'Larus canus',
  'Larus cirrocephalus',
  'Larus delawarensis',
  'Larus dominicanus',
  'Larus fuscus',
  'Larus genei',
  'Larus glaucescens',
  'Larus glaucoides',
  'Larus heermanni',
  'Larus hemprichii',
  'Larus hyperboreus',
  'Larus livens',
  'Larus maculipennis',
  'Larus marinus',
  'Larus minutus',
  'Larus novaehollandiae',
  'Larus occidentalis',
  'Larus philadelphia',
  'Larus pipixcan',
  'Larus ridibundus',
  'Leucophaeus scoresbii',
  'Pagophila eburnea',
  'Rissa brevirostris',
  'Rissa tridactyla',
  'Rynchops niger',
  'Sterna acuticauda',
  'Sterna albifrons',
  'Sterna aleutica',
  'Sterna anaethetus',
  'Sterna aurantia',
  'Sterna bergii',
  'Sterna caspia',
  'Sterna dougallii',
  'Sterna elegans',
  'Sterna forsteri',
  'Sterna fuscata',
  'Sterna hirundinacea',
  'Sterna hirundo',
  'Sterna maxima',
  'Sterna nilotica',
  'Sterna paradisaea',
  'Sterna repressa',
  'Sterna sandvicensis',
  'Sterna striata',
  'Sterna sumatrana',
  'Sterna superciliaris',
  'Sterna trudeaui',
  'Xema sabini',
  'Himantopus mexicanus',
  'Recurvirostra americana',
  'Actitis hypoleucos',
  'Actitis macularius',
  'Arenaria melanocephala',
  'Bartramia longicauda',
  'Calidris alpina',
  'Calidris melanotos',
  'Calidris minutilla',
  'Calidris ptilocnemis',
  'Catoptrophorus semipalmatus',
  'Gallinago gallinago',
  'Gallinago gallinago1',
  'Gallinago paraguaiae',
  'Limicola falcinellus',
  'Limnodromus griseus',
  'Limosa fedoa',
  'Limosa haemastica',
  'Limosa limosa',
  'Numenius americanus',
  'Numenius arquata',
  'Numenius phaeopus',
  'Phalaropus fulicarius',
  'Phalaropus lobatus',
  'Philomachus pugnax',
  'Scolopax minor',
  'Scolopax rusticola',
  'Steganopus tricolor',
  'Tringa flavipes',
  'Tringa totanus',
  'Catharacta maccormicki',
  'Catharacta skua',
  'Stercorarius longicaudus',
  'Stercorarius parasiticus',
  'Stercorarius pomarinus',
  'Turnix ocellatus',
  'Turnix suscitator',
  'Turnix sylvaticus',
  'Turnix tanki',
  'Anastomus lamelligerus',
  'Ciconia ciconia',
  'Mycteria americana',
  'Mycteria leucocephala',
  'Colius colius',
  'Colius leucocephalus',
  'Colius striatus',
  'Urocolius indicus',
  'Chalcophaps indica',
  'Columba delegorguei',
  'Columba livia',
  'Columba oenas',
  'Columba palumbus',
  'Columba rupestris',
  'Columbina inca',
  'Columbina minuta',
  'Columbina passerina',
  'Columbina talpacoti',
  'Didunculus strigirostris',
  'Gallicolumba jobiensis',
  'Gallicolumba kubaryi',
  'Gallicolumba rubescens',
  'Gallicolumba rufigula',
  'Gallicolumba stairi',
  'Geopelia striata',
  'Geophaps smithii',
  'Geotrygon chrysia',
  'Geotrygon montana',
  'Leptotila verreauxi',
  'Macropygia unchall',
  'Oena capensis',
  'Patagioenas fasciata',
  'Patagioenas flavirostris',
  'Patagioenas leucocephala',
  'Phapitreron leucotis',
  'Ptilinopus leclancheri',
  'Ptilinopus perousii',
  'Starnoenas cyanocephala',
  'Stigmatopelia chinensis',
  'Stigmatopelia senegalensis',
  'Streptopelia bitorquata',
  'Streptopelia capicola',
  'Streptopelia orientalis',
  'Streptopelia tranquebarica',
  'Treron apicauda',
  'Treron pompadora',
  'Treron sphenurus',
  'Treron vernans',
  'Turtur afer',
  'Turtur chalcospilos',
  'Zenaida asiatica',
  'Zenaida macroura',
  'Actenoides lindsayi',
  'Alcedo atthis',
  'Alcedo cristata',
  'Alcedo hercules',
  'Ceryle rudis',
  'Chloroceryle americana',
  'Halcyon albiventris',
  'Halcyon chelicuti',
  'Megaceryle alcyon',
  'Todiramphus chloris',
  'Todiramphus macleayii',
  'Todiramphus pyrrhopygius',
  'Coracias naevia',
  'Merops apiaster',
  'Merops bullockoides',
  'Merops ornatus',
  'Merops pusillus',
  'Merops superciliosus',
  'Merops viridis',
  'Centropus bengalensis',
  'Centropus senegalensis',
  'Centropus superciliosus',
  'Centropus viridis',
  'Coccyzus americanus',
  'Coccyzus erythropthalmus',
  'Coccyzus minor',
  'Crotophaga ani',
  'Crotophaga sulcirostris',
  'Cuculus pallidus',
  'Geococcyx californianus',
  'Geococcyx velox',
  'Guira guira',
  'Phaenicophaeus superciliosus',
  'Rhynochetos jubatus',
  'Caracara cheriway',
  'Falco biarmicus',
  'Falco columbarius',
  'Falco femoralis',
  'Falco mexicanus',
  'Falco peregrinus',
  'Falco rusticolus',
  'Falco sparverius',
  'Falco subbuteo',
  'Falco tinnunculus',
  'Phalcoboenus australis',
  'Ortalis vetula',
  'Macrocephalon maleo',
  'Megapodius freycinet',
  'Megapodius pritchardii',
  'Numida meleagris',
  'Callipepla californica',
  'Callipepla gambelii',
  'Callipepla squamata',
  'Colinus virginianus',
  'Cyrtonyx montezumae',
  'Oreortyx pictus',
  'Ptilopachus petrosus',
  'Alectoris barbara',
  'Alectoris chukar',
  'Arborophila atrogularis',
  'Arborophila rufogularis',
  'Bambusicola fytchii',
  'Bonasa umbellus',
  'Centrocercus urophasianus',
  'Coturnix chinensis',
  'Coturnix coturnix',
  'Dendragapus canadensis',
  'Dendragapus obscurus',
  'Francolinus coqui',
  'Francolinus hildebrandti',
  'Francolinus pintadeanus',
  'Francolinus shelleyi',
  'Francolinus squamatus',
  'Gallus gallus',
  'Gallus sonneratii',
  'Lagopus lagopus',
  'Lagopus muta',
  'Lophura leucomelanos',
  'Lophura nycthemera',
  'Lophura swinhoii',
  'Meleagris gallopavo',
  'Meleagris ocellata',
  'Pavo cristatus',
  'Perdix perdix',
  'Phasianus colchicus',
  'Polyplectron germaini',
  'Syrmaticus reevesii',
  'Tetrao tetrix',
  'Tetrao urogallus',
  'Tetraogallus tibetanus',
  'Tragopan caboti',
  'Tympanuchus cupido',
  'Tympanuchus phasianellus',
  'Gavia adamsii',
  'Gavia arctica',
  'Gavia immer',
  'Gavia pacifica',
  'Gavia stellata',
  'Aramus guarauna',
  'Balearica pavonina',
  'Grus americana',
  'Grus canadensis',
  'Grus grus',
  'Grus virgo',
  'Amaurornis bicolor',
  'Amaurornis flavirostra',
  'Amaurornis olivaceus',
  'Amaurornis phoenicurus',
  'Aramides cajanea',
  'Crex crex',
  'Fulica americana',
  'Fulica armillata',
  'Fulica atra',
  'Fulica cristata',
  'Gallicrex cinerea',
  'Gallinula chloropus',
  'Gallirallus philippensis',
  'Gallirallus striatus',
  'Gallirallus torquatus',
  'Laterallus jamaicensis',
  'Lewinia pectoralis',
  'Neocrex erythrops',
  'Porphyrio martinica',
  'Porphyrio porphyrio',
  'Porphyrio porphyrio1',
  'Porzana carolina',
  'Porzana cinerea',
  'Porzana fusca',
  'Porzana porzana',
  'Porzana pusilla',
  'Rallus elegans',
  'Rallus limicola',
  'Rallus longirostris',
  'Eupodotis caerulescens',
  'Eupodotis ruficrista',
  'Otis tarda',
  'Acanthiza chrysorrhoa',
  'Acanthiza pusilla',
  'Gerygone sulphurea',
  'Smicrornis brevirostris',
  'Acrocephalus arundinaceus',
  'Acrocephalus gracilirostris',
  'Acrocephalus palustris',
  'Acrocephalus schoenobaenus',
  'Acrocephalus scirpaceus',
  'Hippolais icterina',
  'Hippolais polyglotta',
  'Aegithalos caudatus',
  'Psaltriparus minimus',
  'Alauda arvensis',
  'Ammomanes deserti',
  'Ammomanes phoenicura',
  'Calandrella cinerea',
  'Certhilauda curvirostris',
  'Chersomanes albofasciata',
  'Eremophila alpestris',
  'Galerida cristata',
  'Galerida magnirostris',
  'Lullula arborea',
  'Melanocorypha mongolica',
  'Mirafra africana',
  'Mirafra javanica',
  'Artamus cyanopterus',
  'Artamus leucorynchus',
  'Artamus personatus',
  'Artamus superciliosus',
  'Cracticus nigrogularis',
  'Cracticus torquatus',
  'Gymnorhina tibicen',
  'Bombycilla cedrorum',
  'Bombycilla garrulus',
  'Calcarius lapponicus',
  'Calcarius mccownii',
  'Calcarius ornatus',
  'Plectrophenax nivalis',
  'Cardinalis cardinalis',
  'Cardinalis sinuatus',
  'Cyanocompsa brissonii',
  'Cyanocompsa cyanoides',
  'Passerina amoena',
  'Passerina caerulea',
  'Passerina ciris',
  'Passerina cyanea',
  'Passerina versicolor',
  'Pheucticus ludovicianus',
  'Pheucticus melanocephalus',
  'Piranga flava',
  'Piranga ludoviciana',
  'Piranga olivacea',
  'Piranga rubra',
  'Spiza americana',
  'Certhia americana',
  'Certhia familiaris',
  'Cinclus cinclus',
  'Cinclus mexicanus',
  'Apalis jacksoni',
  'Camaroptera brachyura',
  'Cisticola brunnescens',
  'Cisticola cantans',
  'Cisticola chiniana',
  'Cisticola exilis',
  'Cisticola fulvicapilla',
  'Cisticola galactotes',
  'Cisticola juncidis',
  'Cisticola lais',
  'Cisticola robustus',
  'Cisticola subruficapilla',
  'Cisticola tinniens',
  'Malcorus pectoralis',
  'Orthotomus atrogularis',
  'Orthotomus sutorius',
  'Prinia atrogularis',
  'Prinia crinigera',
  'Prinia familiaris',
  'Prinia flaviventris',
  'Prinia gracilis',
  'Prinia inornata',
  'Prinia maculosa',
  'Prinia rufescens',
  'Prinia subflava',
  'Prinia sylvatica',
  'Aphelocoma californica',
  'Aphelocoma coerulescens',
  'Aphelocoma ultramarina',
  'Cissa chinensis',
  'Corvus bennetti',
  'Corvus brachyrhynchos',
  'Corvus corax',
  'Corvus corone',
  'Corvus cryptoleucus',
  'Corvus frugilegus',
  'Corvus macrorhynchos',
  'Corvus monedula',
  'Corvus ossifragus',
  'Cyanocitta cristata',
  'Cyanocitta stelleri',
  'Cyanocorax morio',
  'Cyanocorax yncas',
  'Cyanopica cyanus',
  'Garrulus glandarius',
  'Gymnorhinus cyanocephalus',
  'Nucifraga caryocatactes',
  'Nucifraga columbiana',
  'Perisoreus canadensis',
  'Perisoreus infaustus',
  'Pica hudsonia',
  'Pica nuttalli',
  'Pica pica',
  'Phytotoma rutila',
  'Pipreola riefferii',
  'Dicaeum pectorale',
  'Dicrurus adsimilis',
  'Dicrurus aeneus',
  'Dicrurus hottentottus',
  'Dicrurus leucophaeus',
  'Dicrurus macrocercus',
  'Dicrurus remifer',
  'Emberiza cioides',
  'Emberiza cirlus',
  'Emberiza citrinella',
  'Emberiza flaviventris',
  'Emberiza fucata',
  'Emberiza impetuani',
  'Emberiza pusilla',
  'Emberiza schoeniclus',
  'Emberiza spodocephala',
  'Miliaria calandra',
  'Amadina erythrocephala',
  'Estrilda astrild',
  'Estrilda nonnula',
  'Lagonosticta senegala',
  'Lonchura atricapilla',
  'Lonchura cucullata',
  'Lonchura maja',
  'Lonchura malacca',
  'Lonchura punctulata',
  'Lonchura striata',
  'Ortygospiza atricollis',
  'Padda oryzivora',
  'Cymbirhynchus macrorhynchos',
  'Psarisomus dalhousiae',
  'Serilophus lunatus',
  'Carduelis cannabina',
  'Carduelis chloris',
  'Carduelis flammea',
  'Carduelis flammea1',
  'Carduelis flavirostris',
  'Carduelis hornemanni',
  'Carduelis lawrencei',
  'Carduelis pinus',
  'Carduelis psaltria',
  'Carduelis spinus',
  'Carduelis tristis',
  'Carpodacus cassinii',
  'Carpodacus erythrinus',
  'Carpodacus mexicanus',
  'Carpodacus purpureus',
  'Coccothraustes coccothraustes',
  'Coccothraustes vespertinus',
  'Fringilla coelebs',
  'Fringilla montifringilla',
  'Hemignathus virens',
  'Leucosticte tephrocotis',
  'Loxia curvirostra',
  'Pinicola enucleator',
  'Pyrrhula pyrrhula',
  'Serinus alario',
  'Serinus albogularis',
  'Serinus canaria',
  'Serinus canicollis',
  'Serinus flaviventris',
  'Serinus gularis',
  'Serinus mozambicus',
  'Serinus striolatus',
  'Serinus sulphuratus',
  'Telespiza cantans',
  'Asthenes pyrrholeuca',
  'Certhiaxis cinnamomeus',
  'Cranioleuca pyrrhophia',
  'Furnarius cristatus',
  'Furnarius rufus',
  'Phacellodomus rufifrons',
  'Pseudoseisura lophotes',
  'Synallaxis albescens',
  'Synallaxis azarae',
  'Synallaxis azarae1',
  'Synallaxis brachyura',
  'Synallaxis erythrothorax',
  'Synallaxis frontalis',
  'Synallaxis spixi',
  'Tarphonomus certhioides',
  'Delichon urbicum',
  'Hirundo abyssinica',
  'Hirundo albigularis',
  'Hirundo angolensis',
  'Hirundo daurica',
  'Hirundo nigrita',
  'Hirundo rustica',
  'Hirundo senegalensis',
  'Hirundo spilodera',
  'Petrochelidon pyrrhonota',
  'Progne subis',
  'Riparia paludicola',
  'Riparia riparia',
  'Stelgidopteryx ruficollis',
  'Tachycineta bicolor',
  'Tachycineta thalassina',
  'Agelaius humeralis',
  'Agelaius phoeniceus',
  'Agelaius tricolor',
  'Chrysomus ruficapillus',
  'Dolichonyx oryzivorus',
  'Euphagus carolinus',
  'Euphagus cyanocephalus',
  'Icteria virens',
  'Icterus bullockii',
  'Icterus cucullatus',
  'Icterus galbula',
  'Icterus parisorum',
  'Icterus spurius',
  'Icterus wagleri',
  'Quiscalus lugubris',
  'Quiscalus major',
  'Quiscalus mexicanus',
  'Quiscalus quiscula',
  'Sturnella magna',
  'Sturnella militaris',
  'Sturnella neglecta',
  'Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus',
  'Lanius bucephalus',
  'Lanius collaris',
  'Lanius collurio',
  'Lanius cristatus',
  'Lanius excubitoroides',
  'Lanius ludovicianus',
  'Lanius schach',
  'Lanius tigrinus',
  'Lanius vittatus',
  'Urolestes melanoleucus',
  'Actinodura egertoni',
  'Alcippe nipalensis',
  'Garrulax delesserti',
  'Garrulax erythrocephalus',
  'Garrulax galbanus',
  'Garrulax lineatus',
  'Garrulax pectoralis',
  'Garrulax ruficollis',
  'Garrulax sannio',
  'Heterophasia annectens',
  'Heterophasia capistrata',
  'Leiothrix argentauris',
  'Leiothrix lutea',
  'Liocichla phoenicea',
  'Turdoides aylmeri',
  'Turdoides caudata',
  'Turdoides hypoleuca',
  'Turdoides jardineii',
  'Turdoides malcolmi',
  'Bradypterus baboecala',
  'Locustella naevia',
  'Megalurus gramineus',
  'Megalurus palustris',
  'Sylvietta rufescens',
  'Sylvietta virens',
  'Tchagra senegalus',
  'Telophorus zeylonus',
  'Malurus cyaneus',
  'Anthochaera carunculata',
  'Lichenostomus melanops',
  'Manorina flavigula',
  'Manorina melanophrys',
  'Philemon citreogularis',
  'Phylidonyris novaehollandiae',
  'Dumetella carolinensis',
  'Mimus gilvus',
  'Mimus polyglottos',
  'Oreoscoptes montanus',
  'Toxostoma bendirei',
  'Toxostoma cinereum',
  'Toxostoma crissale',
  'Toxostoma curvirostre',
  'Toxostoma lecontei',
  'Toxostoma longirostre',
  'Toxostoma redivivum',
  'Toxostoma rufum',
  'Grallina cyanoleuca',
  'Hypothymis azurea',
  'Monarcha takatsukasae',
  'Myiagra azureocapilla',
  'Terpsiphone paradisi',
  'Terpsiphone viridis',
  'Anthus campestris',
  'Anthus novaeseelandiae',
  'Anthus petrosus',
  'Anthus pratensis',
  'Anthus rubescens',
  'Anthus trivialis',
  'Macronyx ameliae',
  'Macronyx capensis',
  'Macronyx croceus',
  'Motacilla aguimp',
  'Motacilla alba',
  'Motacilla capensis',
  'Motacilla cinerea',
  'Motacilla citreola',
  'Motacilla flava',
  'Brachypteryx leucophrys',
  'Bradornis infuscatus',
  'Bradornis pallidus',
  'Cercomela familiaris',
  'Cercomela sinuata',
  'Cinclidium leucurum',
  'Copsychus malabaricus',
  'Copsychus saularis',
  'Cossypha caffra',
  'Enicurus maculatus',
  'Enicurus schistaceus',
  'Erithacus rubecula',
  'Erythropygia coryphaeus',
  'Erythropygia leucophrys',
  'Eumyias albicaudatus',
  'Eumyias thalassinus',
  'Ficedula hypoleuca',
  'Ficedula superciliaris',
  'Ficedula tricolor',
  'Hodgsonius phaenicuroides',
  'Luscinia luscinia',
  'Luscinia megarhynchos',
  'Luscinia svecica',
  'Melaenornis pammelaina',
  'Monticola cinclorhynchus',
  'Muscicapa cassini',
  'Muscicapa striata',
  'Myophonus caeruleus',
  'Niltava sundara',
  'Oenanthe hispanica',
  'Oenanthe isabellina',
  'Oenanthe leucura',
  'Oenanthe moesta',
  'Oenanthe monticola',
  'Oenanthe oenanthe',
  'Oenanthe pileata',
  'Oenanthe pleschanka',
  'Phoenicurus moussieri',
  'Phoenicurus ochruros',
  'Rhyacornis fuliginosa',
  'Saxicola caprata',
  'Saxicola torquatus',
  'Saxicoloides fulicatus',
  'Aethopyga eximia',
  'Nectarinia asiatica',
  'Nectarinia calcostetha',
  'Nectarinia chloropygia',
  'Nectarinia cuprea',
  'Nectarinia erythrocerca',
  'Nectarinia famosa',
  'Nectarinia jugularis',
  'Nectarinia violacea',
  'Oreoica gutturalis',
  'Oriolus chinensis',
  'Oriolus monacha',
  'Oriolus oriolus',
  'Oriolus sagittatus',
  'Oriolus xanthonotus',
  'Colluricincla harmonica',
  'Pachycephala rufiventris',
  'Paradisaea apoda',
  'Pardalotus punctatus',
  'Baeolophus atricristatus',
  'Baeolophus bicolor',
  'Baeolophus inornatus',
  'Baeolophus ridgwayi',
  'Baeolophus wollweberi',
  'Parus atricapillus',
  'Parus caeruleus',
  'Parus carolinensis',
  'Parus cinctus',
  'Parus gambeli',
  'Parus hudsonicus',
  'Parus major',
  'Parus palustris',
  'Parus rufescens',
  'Parus sclateri',
  'Cardellina rubrifrons',
  'Dendroica caerulescens',
  'Dendroica castanea',
  'Dendroica cerulea',
  'Dendroica chrysoparia',
  'Dendroica coronata',
  'Dendroica discolor',
  'Dendroica dominica',
  'Dendroica fusca',
  'Dendroica magnolia',
  'Dendroica nigrescens',
  'Dendroica occidentalis',
  'Dendroica palmarum',
  'Dendroica pensylvanica',
  'Dendroica petechia',
  'Dendroica pinus',
  'Dendroica striata',
  'Dendroica tigrina',
  'Dendroica virens',
  'Geothlypis beldingi',
  'Geothlypis poliocephala',
  'Geothlypis trichas',
  'Helmitheros vermivorum',
  'Limnothlypis swainsonii',
  'Mniotilta varia',
  'Myioborus miniatus',
  'Myioborus pictus',
  'Oporornis formosus',
  'Oporornis philadelphia',
  'Oporornis tolmiei',
  'Parula americana',
  'Protonotaria citrea',
  'Seiurus aurocapilla',
  'Seiurus motacilla',
  'Seiurus noveboracensis',
  'Setophaga ruticilla',
  'Vermivora celata',
  'Vermivora chrysoptera',
  'Vermivora luciae',
  'Vermivora peregrina',
  'Vermivora pinus',
  'Vermivora ruficapilla',
  'Vermivora virginiae',
  'Wilsonia canadensis',
  'Wilsonia citrina',
  'Wilsonia pusilla',
  'Aimophila aestivalis',
  'Aimophila cassinii',
  'Aimophila ruficauda',
  'Aimophila ruficeps',
  'Ammodramus caudacutus',
  'Ammodramus maritimus',
  'Ammodramus nelsoni',
  'Ammodramus savannarum',
  'Amphispiza belli',
  'Amphispiza bilineata',
  'Arremonops conirostris',
  'Arremonops rufivirgatus',
  'Calamospiza melanocorys',
  'Chondestes grammacus',
  'Junco hyemalis',
  'Junco hyemalis1',
  'Junco hyemalis1',
  'Junco hyemalis1',
  'Junco phaeonotus',
  'Melospiza georgiana',
  'Melospiza lincolnii',
  'Melospiza melodia',
  'Passerculus sandwichensis',
  'Passerella iliaca',
  'Pipilo aberti',
  'Pipilo chlorurus',
  'Pipilo crissalis',
  'Pipilo erythrophthalmus',
  'Pipilo fuscus',
  'Pipilo maculatus',
  'Pooecetes gramineus',
  'Spizella atrogularis',
  'Spizella breweri',
  'Spizella pallida',
  'Spizella passerina',
  'Spizella pusilla',
  'Zonotrichia albicollis',
  'Zonotrichia atricapilla',
  'Zonotrichia capensis',
  'Zonotrichia leucophrys',
  'Passer domesticus',
  'Passer griseus',
  'Passer iagoensis',
  'Passer melanurus',
  'Passer montanus',
  'Passer rutilans',
  'Petronia xanthocollis',
  'Alcippe brunnea',
  'Alcippe rufogularis',
  'Napothera brevicaudata',
  'Pellorneum albiventre',
  'Pellorneum ruficeps',
  'Trichastoma tickelli',
  'Eopsaltria australis',
  'Microeca fascinans',
  'Petroica multicolor',
  'Phylloscopus collybita',
  'Phylloscopus schwarzi',
  'Phylloscopus sibilatrix',
  'Phylloscopus trochilus',
  'Phylloscopus xanthoschistos',
  'Manacus aurantiacus',
  'Pitta brachyura',
  'Pitta nipalensis',
  'Batis capensis',
  'Amblyospiza albifrons',
  'Euplectes afer',
  'Euplectes ardens',
  'Euplectes axillaris',
  'Euplectes capensis',
  'Euplectes hordeaceus',
  'Euplectes jacksoni',
  'Euplectes macroura',
  'Euplectes nigroventris',
  'Euplectes orix',
  'Ploceus aurantius',
  'Ploceus baglafecht',
  'Ploceus capensis',
  'Ploceus castanops',
  'Ploceus cucullatus',
  'Ploceus hypoxanthus',
  'Ploceus intermedius',
  'Ploceus jacksoni',
  'Ploceus manyar',
  'Ploceus melanocephalus',
 'Asymmetry': ['0.1378',
 'Ellipticity': ['0.3435',
 'AvgLength (cm)': ['3.8642',
 'Number of images': ['1',
 'Number of eggs': ['2',

Putting it all together

An example of reading a data file and doing basic work with it illustrates all of these concepts. This also illustrates the concept of writing a script that combines all of your commands into a file that can be run. eggs.py in this case.

#!/usr/bin/env python

import csv

# create an empty list that will be filled with the rows of data from the CSV as dictionaries
csv_content = []

# open and loop through each line of the csv file to populate our data file
with open('aaj1945_DataS1_Egg_shape_by_species_v2.csv') as csv_file:
    csv_reader = csv.DictReader(csv_file)
    for row in csv_reader:             # process each row of the csv file

print("keys: " + ", ".join(csv_content[0].keys()))


# define a function that can extract a named column from a named list of dictionaries
def extract_column(source_list, source_column):
    new_list = []
    for item in source_list:
    print(source_column + ": " + ", ".join(new_list[0:3]))

order = extract_column(csv_content, 'Order')
family = extract_column(csv_content, 'Family')
species = extract_column(csv_content, 'Species')
asymmetry = extract_column(csv_content, 'Asymmetry')
ellipticity = extract_column(csv_content, 'Ellipticity')
avgLength = extract_column(csv_content, 'AvgLength (cm)')
noImages = extract_column(csv_content, 'Number of images')
noEggs = extract_column(csv_content, 'Number of eggs')


# Calculate and print some statistics
mean_asymmetry = sum(map(float, asymmetry))/len(asymmetry)
print("Mean Asymmetry: ", str(mean_asymmetry))
mean_ellipticity = sum(map(float, ellipticity))/len(ellipticity)
print("Mean Ellipticity: ", str(mean_ellipticity))
mean_avglength = sum(map(float, avgLength))/len(avgLength)
print("Mean Average Length: ", str(mean_avglength))    print("Mean Average Length: ", str(mean_avglength))

To execute this script you can use a couple of strategies:

  1. Run it using the python interpreter of your choice using the python eggs.py command at the command line
  2. Run it using the python interpreter referenced in the #! line at the beginning of the script by making sure that the script is executable (ls -l can provide information about whether a file is executable, chmod u+x eggs.py can make your script executable for the user that owns the file), and entering the name of the script on the command line: ./eggs.py if the script is in the current directory.

Going beyond the Standard Library

While Python's Standard Library of modules is very powerful and diverse, you will encounter times when you need functionality that is not included in the base installation of Python. Fear not, there are over 100,000 additional packages that have been developed to extend the capabilities of Python beyond those provided in the default installation. The central repository for Python packages is the Python Package Index that can be browsed on the web, or can be programmatically interacted with using the PIP utility.

Once installed, the functionality of a module (standard or not) is added to a script using the import command.

In [ ]: